Capstone Project
Digital Campaign
In the age of screens and algorithms, "Thank You, Internet" serves as a poignant Public Service Announcement (PSA) aimed at encouraging individuals to reclaim their lives beyond the digital realm.
Composed as a single-page website and social media campaign, with the tagline, "A PSA to Live Life IRL," this project artfully delves into the complexities of our online existence, highlighting the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of the internet.
'Thank You, Internet' is written as a personal journey through one's experience on the Internet. It explores themes such as:
I drew significant inspiration from post-modernism, embracing its core tenets of self-reflexivity, irony, and the deconstruction of grand narratives. Using these tenets, I deconstruct the notion of a unified online experience, instead presenting a fragmented, multifaceted exploration of the internet's impact.
The project's use of satire, parody, and humor mirrors postmodernism's skepticism towards overarching narratives, encouraging viewers to critically assess the digital landscape
Complementing the website, the Instagram campaign offers practical strategies for breaking free from internet addiction and bridging the gap between the digital and the real world.
It invites viewers to laugh at our collective obsession with online shopping, the constant scroll, and the allure of consumerism while gently nudging them to consider the real impact of these behaviors on our lives.
In a world that can be overly serious, our Instagram campaign promotes self-awareness and balance between the internet and real-life experiences.
design to elevate.